Professional Javascript 2023 Beginner To Advanced



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This is the #1 resource to master modern JavaScript! Learn modern ES6+ JavaScript by building 2 beautiful projects.
What you'll learn
How to code JS in 2023 by building realistic projects from scratch and seeing how it all fits together
Best practices in 2023
Avoid hundreds of beginner mistakes so the people who have to interact with your code have it easy
Deeply master JS/programming basics: var/let/const, functions, objects & arrays, etc.
Critical best practices that every JS-developer should know (e.g. how to use async/await)
Learn how to communicate with an API properly by using fetch()
Learn the crucial additions to JS: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, etc.
Easily master React/Angular/Vue or NodeJS afterwards since you mastered concepts often used in those frameworks
Build modern web apps without frameworks and see why people use React
Implement a simple build process for JS with webpack and Babel

BONUS: By going through the course you'll naturally improve design/HTML/CSS too.
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 READ BEFORE STARTING: Project resources (e.g. image URLs)
Section 2: Modern JS Fundamentals
Lecture 3 Modern JS Fundamentals
Section 3: CorpComment (Project 1) - Beginner to Intermediate
Lecture 4 Project Introduction
Lecture 5 Project Setup
Lecture 6 VS Code Extension: Live-Server
Lecture 7 Build the Counter Component
Lecture 8 Build the Submit Component
Lecture 9 Refactoring
Lecture 10 Feedback List Component (Get Data with Fetch)
Lecture 11 More Refactoring
Lecture 12 Form/Submit Component (Post Data with Fetch)
Lecture 13 Feedback List Component (Expand & Upvote)
Lecture 14 Build the Hashtag List Component
Lecture 15 Final (Loose Ends)
Section 4: rmtDev (Project 2) - Intermediate to Advanced
Lecture 16 Project Introduction
Lecture 17 Project Setup
Lecture 18 Build the Search Component
Lecture 19 Build the Job List Component
Lecture 20 Modularity with ES Modules
Lecture 21 Build the Error Component
Lecture 22 Refactoring
Lecture 23 More Refactoring (Job Details Component)
Lecture 24 Improving Fetch Calls
Lecture 25 Async / Await
Lecture 26 Refactor Fetch Calls
Lecture 27 Sorting Component (Part 1)
Lecture 28 State
Lecture 29 Sorting Component (Part 2)
Lecture 30 Build the Pagination Component
Lecture 31 Build the Router Component
Lecture 32 Active Job Item
Lecture 33 Build the Bookmarks Component
Lecture 34 Build the Storage Component (LocalStorage)
Lecture 35 Taking Care of Details
Lecture 36 Build Process (Webpack)
Section 5: Supplemental
Lecture 37 Formatting in JS
Lecture 38 For Loop
Lecture 39 Helper Function for Formatting Date
Section 6: Closing
Lecture 40 Congratulations! (Bonus Lecture)

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